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How DFI’s automatic robot solutions facilitate your smart warehousing?

COVID-19 INFO Epidemische Lösungsmaßnahmen How DFI’s automatic robot solutions facilitate your smart warehousing?

How DFI’s automatic robot solutions facilitate your smart warehousing?

  • Speaker:
    Waterball Liu
    Customer Success Manager

With the popularization of artificial intelligence applications and the development of around-the-clock global logistics, the demand for mobile robots is dominated by the manufacturing industry and has continued to rise. The demand for robots in manufacturing facilities worldwide is a key driver for the global industrial robot market. DFI has contributed to the many opportunities arising from the robotics market for our partners. DFI also has produced actual performance and worth-sharing evidence across AGV, AMR, Material Handling, SCARA, Service Robot, and even Robot Management System.

To see is to believe. During our latest webinar, DFI's Customer Success Manager, Waterball Liu, will share DFI's automatic robot solution and success stories to address how DFI can help benefit your smart warehousing. What you will learn from this webinar is the discovery and development of automated robots, and how it will be a new frontier for DFI to bring higher value to this industry. It will be worth your time. Don’t hesitate to save your spot and join our webinar on March 25!

Insights into the Webinar:

  • The Necessities and Opportunities of Robots
  • Overall Scenarios and Benefits of DFI’s Robots
  • Proven Record of DFI’s Robot Solution Does Matter
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