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High-End GPU/MXM to Fulfill Future Edge AI Solution

COVID-19 INFO 防疫ソリューション High-End GPU/MXM to Fulfill Future Edge AI Solution

High-End GPU/MXM to Fulfill Future Edge AI Solution

  • Speaker:
    Daisy Chen
    PM Manager

Would you like to learn how to integrate AI solution into the embedded world and how to select the most efficient approach to accelerate AI at the edge? If your answer is yes, then you won't want to miss this upcoming webinar on November 26t. During this webinar, DFI's PM Manager of 組込みpc Product Management Dept., Daisy, will share more information about the in-depth technologies in DFI's product portfolio of edge computing with NVIDIA® GPU power, made to satisfy versatile high performance computing applications deployed in IoT world like deep learning, machine learning and edge computing to the cloud.

DFI is now developing product lineup consisting of embedded MXM GPU modules and PCI Express graphics cards powered by NVIDIA® GPUs to support the trending AI solution. Join DFI's webinar to learn how we accelerate future AI solution with high-end embedded solutions and how we facilitate AI workload with our latest AI 組込みpcs. In this webinar, DFI's PM will address edge AI deployment strategies in the embedded solutions along with a live Q&A discussion. Don't hesitate to save your spot for the webinar to get all the insights from us.

Discover more of the webinar:

  • Overview of NVIDIA® GPU/MXM Series
  • DFI's GPU/MXM Product Portfolio
  • DFI's Edge AI Deployment Strategies and Development
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