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Slim Bootloader

Upon customer request, DFI can preload Intel x86 System-On-Modules (SoMs) with the "Slim Bootloader" to replace the conventional AMI BIOS. This open-source boot firmware is tailored to the Intel x86 architecture and is characterized by compactness, security, and high speed. It caters to system integrators and is particularly suitable for applications in factory automation and other areas.

Slim Bootloader

Upon customer request, DFI can preload Intel x86 System-On-Modules (SoMs) with the "Slim Bootloader" to replace the conventional AMI BIOS. This open-source boot firmware is tailored to the Intel x86 architecture and is characterized by compactness, security, and high speed. It caters to system integrators and is particularly suitable for applications in factory automation and other areas.

Let's take a look at DFI Slim Bootloader Products

Embedded Board Products