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關於友通 新聞中心 Do You Often Worry About Receiving Your Customer's Call at Night?

Do You Often Worry About Receiving Your Customer's Call at Night?|新聞中心|DFI

Do You Often Worry About Receiving Your Customer's Call at Night?

2018/03/06 (UTC+8)
Reliability tests, Wide-temp, ESD, Vibration, Shock, Rugged

Do you experience your customer's call in the middle of night receiving, roaring loudly to question why your devices stopped working again? DFI is offering you a much healthier solution than sleeping pills.

Here are four reliability tests implemented by us that we would like to introduce to you: ESD, wide temperature, vibration, and shock test. These tests not only verify the quality of DFI products by providing your customers an objective report and analysis, but also guarantee that your equipment could conquer in different types of crucial environment.

To learn more about DFI’s reliability tests, please watch these two videos.

Watch the Video >