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淺談DFI i.MX8產品系列及軟體整合發展

COVID-19資訊 防疫解決方案 淺談DFI i.MX8產品系列及軟體整合發展

淺談DFI i.MX8產品系列及軟體整合發展

  • 主講者:
    Daniel Tseng
    PM Manager

NXP has launched the latest processor series - the i.MX 8 series which is the new multicore platform that includes single-, dual- and quad-core families based on the Arm Cortex architecture. It features durable, high performance, low-power, and scalable capability which are highly suitable for industrial embedded solutions for advanced graphics, video/audio, machine vision, and machine learning applications.

During the upcoming webinar, you will learn how DFI's embedded products support software based NXP processors and their developing roadmap. DFI's PM Manager, Daniel, will help you discover more insights for the new series of NXP i.MX 8 processors and shorten your time-to-market for your projects.

Discover more of the webinar:

  • Brief Introduction of i.MX8 series (8/8X/8M ….)
  • DFI's i.MX8 Product Plan
  • DFI's i.MX8 SW Plan and Document List
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