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Railway and In-Vehicle IPC Applications & Solutions

COVID-19 INFO Anti-Pandemic Solutions Railway and In-Vehicle IPC Applications & Solutions

Railway and In-Vehicle IPC Applications & Solutions

  • Speaker:
    Crystal Tseng
    PM Director

As Intelligent Transport increases and transportation connection is widespread everywhere in IoT world, the transportation/in-vehicle applications are growing fast from daily lives in public transportation to the warehousing, factory for AGV/AMR, even to the autonomous vehicles. To respond to the major technology trends and challenges in the flourishing transportation industry, the important aspect is in-vehicle system; which DFI plays a significant role of offering high-durable solutions and best practices to meet expectations of transport providers.

During the latest webinar, you will be learning more of the insights into DFI's capability in the embedded industry and the up-to-date in-vehicle technology from our Director of System Product Management of DFI, Crystal, with over 15-years of experience in the in-vehicle and railway field and expertise in moving Transportation Smartization with accurate market-centric product direction and strategy. If you are seeking product development and insights for in-vehicle and railway, please feel free to save your spot for our live webinar.  

Watch this webinar to gain insight into:

  • Autonomous Vehicle & Intelligent Transport Trends
  • DFI's In-Vehicle & Railway Product Roadmap
  • DFI's In-Vehicle Practices & Case Studies
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